Day 22 – North Pole Adventure 2017

Today we started of with a great breakfast of wonderful local cheeses, smoked meats and fresh salmon, I like Norway!! After seeing our first reindeer for the tour, we had to make a quick detour to sadly drop off our injured rider (broke his wrist on the boat) at the airport. We will [...]

Day 22 – North Pole Adventure 20172017-08-04T20:17:42-05:00

Days 20, 21 – North Pole Adventure 2017

Back on solid terra firma…. An early disembarkation with the bike craned flawlessly off of the boat and on to the pier where the bus waited to take us to our hotel made for a great start to what should have been a nice relaxing ‘repack’ and get ready for riding in Norway [...]

Days 20, 21 – North Pole Adventure 20172017-08-03T22:53:04-05:00

Days 9 to 19, Sailing – North Pole Adventure 2017

All aboard and northward bound….. Getting in to Murmansk was a lot easier than we had anticipated. Despite the cold and misty weather the ride was long but easy and more so as the road had been resurfaced. While everyone was busy repacking their bags and getting ready for the boat, Claus and [...]

Days 9 to 19, Sailing – North Pole Adventure 20172017-08-02T14:04:55-05:00
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