Darkhan to Sainshand

/]fusion_builder_container hundred_percent="yes" overflow="visible"] Welcome to Mongolia. The country known as the "Land of Eternal Blue Sky"... The country of gers... The country of wide expances of grassy steppes... The country [...]

Darkhan to Sainshand2017-05-18T21:48:52-05:00

Ron’s scouting trip in Russia and Mongolia

[satellite gallery=53 caption=off auto=on thumbs=on] I was in Russia last June to set up two tours that we'll operate in 2014. The June trip provided the opportunity to do some scouting for The Epic Journey as well. I posted articles to a blog on the website (Ron's Travels) and each blog has some [...]

Ron’s scouting trip in Russia and Mongolia2017-05-18T21:48:21-05:00
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